January 2007
Our November meeting was held at the Missouri History Museum located in Forest Park, site of the 1904 Worlds Fair. We had as a guest at our meeting a member of the Olds Club who extended an invitation to the Arch Chapter to participate in their Regional Show to be held at Tan-Tar-A Resort located at the Lake of the Ozarks in June. This will be a three day event and all cars will be in an indoor area for the weekend. Also joining in this event will be members of the Buick Club. Members are looking forward to this event. After the meeting we toured the current exhibit at the museum, Shifting Gears, which featured the automobile industry in St. Louis from 1890 - 1930. The exhibit featured automobiles, photographs, documents and other artifacts of this era. After the tour we ate at the Boathouse, also located in the park.December brought our Christmas Party. We had a nice dinner and members enjoyed socializing for the evening. Our planning meeting for 2007 will be held with our Super Bowl Party. This is an event that members look forward to each year. In addition to lots of food, we plan out our yearly calendar, then for the football fans, we watch the game. Members are asked to come with their ideas of events for the club to participate in during the year.
We were glad to see Arch Chapter member Tom Oxlers Red GTO pictured in the March 2007 edition of High Performance Pontiac, page 60.
For more information on the Arch Chapter, please see our website at: www.archpoci.com.

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