February 2007
Dues for 2007 were payable by 12/31. To date, we have received 70 renewals from a total of 83 members. If you havent sent your dues in, please do so immediately. Your last newsletter will be Februarys if you decide not to renew.Each member has received an invitation to our Holiday and 2006 Celebration Party at the Crowne Plaza on January 27th. We expect approximately 40 members and guests. Other January events include the Big E on the 20th and 21st and the Bling on Wheels (weekend of the 26th at the CT EXPO Center). There will be a pot luck dinner at with a Hawaiian theme on February 24th at Steve Westbergs house. Steve lives at 17 Ingersoll Ave in Warwick. There are plans for a bowling party in March and the annual Cape Cod getaway in April. If anyone has any suggestions, contact the Activities Committee.
Please check out the recently reactivated POCI web site www.POCI.org. There is a reservoir of information there to help you with your project car, renew your membership online, help you sell that spare stuff, an on-line swap, etc. Make sure your membership is current so you can check the Members Only section. To access it, use your POCI number with no leading zeros as the user name and your last name as the password. There are links to other Pontiac chapters (including Little Rhody) and sites. For information, contact Rick DiGiacomo at 54 Pinecrest Drive, No. Scituate, RI 02857 or 401-934-0663 or frdigi@cox.net.

See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.