Cape Fear Chapter News
The second quarter has been somewhat busy for our club. In March some members entered into the Sun Coast Cruisers' car show 'Back to the Beach 2007' Tim Harris and his 62 Grande Prix Todd Ogden and his 70 LeMans both won a trophy. Ray Caspary's 74 Trans Am Firebird and Norm Miller's 49 Silver Streak were there also but were only on display. Then came April The Wilmington Chapter of the AACA held it's annual car show, held at Independence Mall here in Wilmington.Seven club members entered their cars in the show. Ray's 74 T/A, Todd's 70 LeMans, Tim's 62 G P , Bo's 59 Bonneville, Rick's 52 Chieftain Deluxe, and Norm's 49 Silver Streak. Along with Denny Honaker, a new comer to the club, with his excellent 68 Firebird convertible. All of them brought home either a first or second place trophy. All judged on A.A.C.A points criteria. Several other non member Pontiacs entered the show as well. In all that day ... every Pontiac who entered the show went home with a trophy. Only because Pontiac owners in this area take pride in restoring and or refurbishing their cars. Then the following week Todd and Norm entered in a show being put on at Jeff Gordon Chevrolet dealership. Each came home with a top fifty car involved plaque. Then came the Pontiacs in the Park all Pontiac show, put on in Richmond VA. Attended by Todd, Tim, and John K. They went up and represented our club as spectators. This was a three day event.Todd took videos which he will show at our next monthly meeting. This meeting will be held at Bob King Pontiac's showroom on the last Tuesday of May. The club's custom is to hold alternate meetings on the last Tuesday of each month. One at the Pontiac dealership and the alternate to be held at a local Restaurant of mutual agreement chosen by the majority of attending members at the last meeting. Each year the club holds a annual chili bash for club members and friends and family. It is traditionally held at Todd Ogden's house in nearby Burgaw. While we try to enter as many local events (car show) as we can. We hope our membership will expand even further as we have several local Pontiac owners who have shown interest in becoming new members. In mid May there was a car show held in White Lake N.C. which is about 60 miles from Wilmington. Rick, Norm and Denny each drove their cars up. All three went home with a top fifty position and Denny won 'Best G M C, for his 68 Firebird convertible. This club is open to all Pontiac (and Oaklands) enthusiasts regardless of their auto's condition. We welcome you and your car. We entertain all new ideas for club activities. To become involved, contact club president - Todd Ogden at 910 259-6302 or club secretary/news editor - Norm Miller at 910 313-1191 If you live in the southeast corner of N.C, please come out and join our comradery and club.See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.