The Pontiac-Oakland Club International (POCI) was formed in 1972 by a small group of enthusiasts who wanted to pool information and foster enthusiasm for the Pontiac and Oakland brands. In 1973 the first POCI Convention was held in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. Since then, local and specialty chapters have been formed throughout the United States, and abroad. The POCI Conventions have been held every year in a variety of different locations; our conventions feature car shows, tech seminars, guest speakers, drag racing, and swap meets. In 1998 GMC trucks were included due to their close relation to Pontiac.
The club’s newsletter, Smoke Signals, has evolved into a world-class magazine and has been Awarded for Excellence as a non-commercial publication. In 2006 and again in 2013 the magazine was redesigned; today, it is an 84-page, full-color magazine featuring articles, information, and news related to Pontiacs, Oaklands, and GMCs. Smoke Signals is also available in digital form with archives going back as far as 2006.
We are extremely excited about the future of the Pontiac hobby, we encourage you to join POCI and start experiencing everything we have to offer, including our Smoke Signals publication.
We welcome anyone interested in Pontiacs, Oaklands, and GMCs of any year or model, stock or modified vehicles to join us. Just use the membership form provided and get into the action.
Whether you have an early Pontiac, a GMC, a muscle car era GTO, a full-sized WideTracker, an early or late-model Firebird/Trans Am, a Fiero, Grand Prix, Solstice, or G8; whatever you own we have a place for you and your car! POCI gladly accepts all, all are welcomed and considered a valued member of this organization.
We thank you for your time and look forward to seeing you at a POCI event soon!
Annual Membership Fees
Worldwide Electronic-Membership: $25
(downloadable version of Smoke Signals, no magazine is mailed)
United States Membership: $45
Outside of U.S. Membership: $74
All memberships come with two free associate memberships. Associate members are spouse/significant other and/or a dependent child, 19 years old or younger.
Join Online at -Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards accepted
Call the Club Office for more information
(763) 479-2111
Facebook: Pontiac Oakland Club or Pontiac Oakland Club member's page
What do our members say?
via mail "Great publication!" member A. F.
via email to Smoke Signals editor Tim Dye: "Tim, Thank you for the confirmation, and thank you for the great job you do with Smoke Signals. I tell people the magazine is worth way more than the membership fees alone. Great publication..............” member J. M.
via phone with renewal: "Really enjoy the magazine, it's the best on the market!" member S. H.
via phone with renewal: "The Smoke Signals is top notch............." member J. C.
via email "Love the magazine!" member K. D.
via eMail: "Tim, I think you are doing a great job with the Smoke Signals, the best I have ever seen during my membership which goes back to 1983. Please keep up the good work.” member B. P.

See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.