United States
$45.00 per year: includes the mailing of our SMOKE SIGNALS magazine
Outside of U.S.
$74.00 per year (US funds): includes the mailing of our SMOKE SIGNALS magazine
Electronic Membership (E-Membership):
$25.00 per year (US funds): view the SMOKE SIGNALS magazine on-line from our website (you will receive a member username & password). Note: the SMOKE SIGNALS magazine is not mailed to Electronic Members.
All memberships come with two free associate memberships. Associate members are defined as: spouse, domestic partner, or dependent (19 years of age or younger) of an active member who wish such privileges as being able to show a car and compete at the convention.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover credit cards.
You may also mail in a check or money order (U.S. Funds) payable to "POCI".
Mail to: POCI, PO Box 421, Long Lake, MN 55356.
Do you want to give a GIFT MEMBERSHIP? Call or email the Club Office.
POCI's CLUB OFFICE PHONE # (763) 479-2111

See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.