If I am not yet on the membership credit card AUTO RENEWAL PROGRAM, how do I renew my membership? IMPORTANT - WAIT UNTIL ON OR AFTER YOUR MEMBERSHIP EXPIRATION DATE
Log in to your membership account on or after your membership expiration date. The subscription (membership) renewal screen will come up, and you will then enter your credit card information and be signed up for the automatic renewal process. Be sure you choose the membership level that you want (U.S. Membership, Outside of U.S. Membership or Electronic Membership).
How do I reset my password?
Select "My Account" then select "Account Information" then "Click Password Reset". Please note that the password must contain 6 characters.
How do I see the Smoke Signal magazine in full-screen mode?
Select the toggle full-screen button (crossing arrows) to enter full-screen mode. You press "ESC" to exit full-screen mode.
How do I access and use the Member's Garage and Member's Roster?
To access these features either log into your account or click on “My Account” to go to your member's dashboard. In the left-hand menu of the dashboard there will be links to “Member Roster” and “Members Rides” these links will allow to view other member's contact information and their vehicles. There will also be a link to “Edit Profile & Rides” so that you can update your profile and the vehicles you own. This is also where you’ll be able to choose what information about yourself is visible to other members when they are viewing the Members Roster. One other note. When importing members' rides from the legacy website some vehicle models came over with a number as part of the model description. If you had a ride listed previously on the legacy website, please look at the model description listed for your car and update it if needed. Choosing a more general description of your model will make it easier for other members to find your car.
Join the POCI Members Only Facebook Classified Ad Group click here
Prices for display advertising in the SMOKE SIGNALS magazine click here
How many issues of the Smoke Signals magazine are produced each year? click here
How do I request a Certificate of Insurance for my Chapter event?
When you're logged into your Member Dashboard you will find the required Insurance Request Form under the heading Club Business / Member Resources. Fill out the form, and forward to the emails listed at the bottom of it. Your Certificate of Insurance will be forwarded to you once it is processed by our insurance carrier.
Who is the Chapter Newsletter Judging Team?
The Newsletter Judging Team for 2025 is:
Michael Murray, Vice President mgm27153@aol.com
Peggy Cox, Secretary peggymullinax@yahoo.com
Brian Wormald brian@wormald-online.com

See Your Local Chapter Events
Our chapters often sponsor car shows and other events.